A Letter From The Founder: How We Got Here
A Letter From The Founder: Why Create Good Planet Project?
Welcome to the new Good Planet Project! That’s right, if you’re new here you might not know that this project had a life previous to this. It all started as a means for me to put more purpose into my craft and combine that purpose with my passion towards the protection of our planet. Let me explain…
I’ve been a photographer for more than a decade, and over the years found myself working in advertising and shooting clothing for a major Canadian retailer. I liked the work and felt fortunate to have ‘made it’ as a photographer, but felt a lack of purpose in my professional life. My passion has always been channeled in a more documentary-style approach; telling stories and exploring the lives of the people around me. Shooting advertising, while paying the bills, just wasn’t filling that passion.
While battling with this very privileged ‘issue’ I was becoming more and more passionate about environmentalism. Having moved from Toronto to Calgary and transitioning from a city based life, to a life spent outdoors, I was growing increasingly passionate about our natural landscapes. Instead of being excited to go to clubs or city events, I felt this constant need to be outside and in the mountains. With spending so much time outside I naturally became passionate about protecting these places I’ve come to love.
Art Director
Mountain Hiker
Over the last few years I’ve quit jobs to travel across the country and profile people doing good for our planet, I’ve cut my teeth as an art director for a few years, and went in and out of a few exciting jobs but, the entire time, I’ve been brainstorming and building on what Good Planet Project can be.
Now, detours aside and with a pile of exciting content ready to show, I’m following in a similar path as I did when I first created the project; I quit my job and am giving Good Planet Project the proper, undivided attention it deserves. The only difference this time is that I have even more passion and excitement towards it now, and I’m not doing it alone.
Over the last year I’ve been collaborating with a group of supportive and inspiring individuals to ensure we’re doing it right this time. We’ve built the brand, the website, brought in different voices to the writing, and have had a lot of exciting conversations about the future of the project and where it can lead. Good Planet Project has some big, ambitious plans but, right now, we’re keeping it simple - we’re just here to share stories about our earth and strategies to save it.
Thank you. Your support means the world to me and to the many good people fighting for our planet. Now, go tell your friends!
Dylan Leeder
Founder, Photographer, and guy doing whatever it takes to make this thing happen.